Monday, June 1, 2015

Where I Went: Grand Canyon


Recently I took a trip up to the Grand Canyon and Sedona with my family. It has been something my Dad has been wanting to do since I was in High School, so I had a feeling that with my being in College in Arizona it was only a matter of time until we ended up here. I'm going to be honest here for a second because I was soooo not even the smallest bit interested in seeing the Grand Canyon. Because like, whats so special about a huge hole in the ground? And lets be real I'm not the type to do any of this crazy two day hiking and river-rafting bs. I am just fine with a little stroll around and some sight seeing with my feet on the ground. Well, apparently thats something you can do at the Grand Canyon and it is totally amazing to see, even from the top of the ridge.


Unfortunately the weather sucked was not ideal and there was a little bit of rain {it was pouring} BUT we were lucky and had around 30 minutes of just clouds so we were able to go explore a bit. I was actually really impressed with the views and how beautiful it was! The pictures I was able to take did not even do it justice, but i mean it is one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World for a reason...right.


Oh, and apparently people are abso-freaking-lutley insane and like to climb to the edge of the rocks off the path and take pictures. WTF. These people seriously have a death wish or something. I wouldn't even get close enough to snap a pic of below, so use your imaginations people, because it was pretty far down. Oh yah, and that's totally a picture of the crazy lady who crawled out past the hand rails. She was later seen taking pictures on the train tracks {i'm not kidding}. It literally makes me cringe.


Of course I couldn't let her show me up...KIDDING. This little picture is all an optical illusion of me being high up on a rock
{might have staged this to look a lot cooler than it was}. But of course I had to do something artsy and fun when I'm at one the the Seven Wonders...right. Also note my really stylish outfit. Silly me, I was expecting it to be hot outside at the GRAND CANYON, so my super trendy "Canyon Fit" was put on hold because it was literally 40 degrees out and I only brought that one jacket.. sigh.


Me and the Pops being all touristy safely away from any direct edges.


Here are just a few more pictures I took of the Canyon. Isn't it spectacular? I wish my pictures did it justice, because it was actually one of the most beautiful things i've seen. I'm thinking seeing the Seven Wonders of the World might just have jumped to the top of my Bucket List.


After our Grand Canyon adventure, we decided to stop in Sedona and see what that was all about. And WOW, what a beautiful place! I can totally see why there are a bunch of spas and retreats. It is just something in the air there that is relaxing and zen. ALSO, we couldn't stop joking about how we felt like we were in a real life cars land!! {we're lame, I know.}


Of course I could't take a normal picture, but forget about us and just look at that sky behind us! Doesn't it look like a painting?


The most exciting part was that it was warm enough for me to break out at least one cute outfit {yay}.
Here I am wearing: Top nasty gal Shorts bp/nordstrom Sunglasses ray-bans Jewelry vintage rings/forever21 bracelet


Walking this little trail around the Red Rock park was just amazing! I wanted to live here
and frolic outside forever {who would have thought}. 


Seriously, everyone go out there and travel outside of your comfort zone. I was not all that excited about a road trip in the car {barf}, but my feelings have been changed! You don't need a first class ticket out of the United States to travel and see beautiful places, they're are all around you. It doesn't even take much, we did this whole trip over a weekend, so there is not an excuse people!

Go get inspired by the beautiful places that surround us every day.

xx - krystena

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