Monday, June 1, 2015


Hi friends, its been awhile since I've posted anything {five months.. embarrassing, I know} but I am back in action and have a million new ideas for this blog! I feel revived and ready to take on new projects and really focus on things that make me the happiest {aka food, fashion, art}. So keep tuned for some really exciting new things to come!
On to business... I haven't typically posted anything too personal on my blog in the past, but I think I want to change that and add in snippets of my life and what is happening. I think that Krys Loves should be about everything and anything I love in life, so I plan on sharing it all. Also, there may be a few things I'll share that I don't love, but I hope that through my trials and errors, maybe you can learn from my mistakes and then my mistakes won't suck so much, amiright.
My hiatus over summer was something I like to now refer to as the Summer of Unfortunate Events. Anyone who knows me well also knows that I am the Queen of Stressing the Small Stuff. So, when bigger things come along that are stressful I crawl into my little hole and try to avoid dealing with everything. Obviously not the best way to deal with your problems, but unfortunately with everything going on this summer that is exactly what I did. And while I was in my sad little hole I didn't even realize I was there. It took the people who love me to shake me up and open my eyes to the way I was living {or not living} my life.  
On to the present.. I finally got my wake up call and although it is not the easiest task to make a change, it is soo important to take the time to do things that make you happy. I started small and now each day I try to wake up and meditate/think about how blessed and lucky I am to live the life I do. I think everyone could take this advice no matter what your current happiness level is. For me personally, I have been making small changes that ultimately make ME happy without any thought to what others will think {cus who cares, right}. I have been making crafts, reading books, and even redefining my style {aka I now have pink hair}.
I really hope that each and every one of my readers will take the time to do little things that make you happy. It is really unbelievable the impact of a positive attitude and cultivating positive thoughts. A lot of the time you don't even realize you are dwelling on the bad in life, so I encourage everyone to take a moment to think of 3 amazing things in your lives and recognize how great life is!
Love you all and so happy to be back!
xx - krystena

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