Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Current Obsession: Colored Hair


Lately I can't stop thinking about fun colored hair for Summer. As per my life I am always wanting to try something different with my hair {sorry torri}. I've had light hair, dark hair, and just about everything in between. Recently, I keep seeing all the pretty pastels and colors people are doing with their hair and now that my hair is light I am left wanting to make a temporary switch to the colored side!




The possibilities for color are endless! I love the all over color look and seem to be leaning towards pinks and purples but the cool blues and greens reminds me of the sea and mermaids, which is perfect for Summer. 



For those not ready to make a full head jump to color there are also a lot of options like these. Temporary color to the ends to create an ombre is very on trend and still gives the same vibe a whole head of color would. 

Either way I am in the mood to play around with color and get ready for Summer! My family will probably thing I jumped off the deep end, but I really want to try this fun trend at least once in my life. And with it being on trend right now this Summer may be the time to try it!

Who's with me!

xx - krystena

Monday, March 3, 2014

Vacation Preparation

In two weeks I will be on a plane to Mexico with my friends to enjoy a week of Cabo! I seriously cannot wait to spend some time in the sun and have no worries and take a break from real life. With the countdown nearing single digits I am beginning to think out what I need to bring along. I thought I would put together a general list of what I am thinking of packing for our trip and hopefully it helps in your own packing!

Happy Travels

xx - krystena

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

A case of the Blahs...

Do you ever just feel constantly tired? Maybe its the weather. Could it be the end of winter blues? I feel as though this week I have been in the most extreme of slumps. It could be the overwhelming amount of work I need to do or maybe its because I am in a never-ending routine of school. The promise of Spring, fun and happiness is just around the corner but still a little too far off. 

Sometimes I dont even have to motivation to put on an outfit besides workout clothes and forget about makeup. All I want to do is lay around, but then when I have the time to be lazy and sleep I can't. 

What I need is a serious attitude adjustment. The power of positive thinking is unlike any other in lifting moods and becoming happier in general. So here is a little mid-week motivation of things that make me happy. Hopefully will get me out of this slump and if any of you are feeling a little uninspired lately I encourage you to find some things that you enjoy, either these pictures or some of your own. I hope this can help inspire change your thinking as well!

A beautiful beach 


My fluff <3

Pretty & Yummy snack


Go get inspired!

xx - krystena

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Midweek Motivation

With Valentines Day coming up next week I thought I would share some things that are inspiring me this year! I feel as though you can celebrate this holiday in one of two ways.. Sweet or Sexy.

So which one are you? ;)

xx - krystena

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Nail Inspiration: French Mani

Currently I keep seeing these fun twists on the classic French Manicure all over the internet. I love how creative and unique you can make your nails look with the different color combinations. I am always looking for new and fun ways to dress up my manicure and I think this is what I am going to be trying next!


I am not the best at painting my own nails but these dont seem too difficult. Just paint your nails one color and with a nail art pen or a steady hand paint a thin line at the end. 


There are so many ways to get creative with this new twist on the French Manicure, you can even alter the end length with a super chic and simple like like these nails!


Get Creative!

xx -krystena

Monday, January 6, 2014



Its officially a week into 2014 and time is already flying! I don't know what it is about this year but I have been more willing to make some New Years Resolutions than ever. I feel like for the first time in my life I can really feel like I'm getting older and I want to dedicate 2014 to focusing on myself and achieving things I've always wanted.

I thought I might share some of my resolutions with you all and I'll keep updating with my progress on them! {maybe i'll be more accountable ha!}

1. Read more! I used to read so many great books when I was younger just because I wanted to, not because it was an assigned reading. I wanted to focus this year on getting back into the habit of reading rather than sitting on the internet or watching TV with my free time. 


Currently I began the All Souls Trilogy by Deborah Harkness. The first is A Discovery of Witches and I highly recommend reading it! I finished the whole book in a week I couldn't put it down. Now I am on to  Shadow of the Night. If anyone wants to read along with me and discuss I would love to hear from you! I will also be continuously reading this year {hopefully} and I will post when I start and finish books if anyone wants to follow along!

2. Eat Healthier! This seems to be a reoccurring resolution but over the past months while I was away at school I was making the effort and was feeling amazing! Its time to get back into the swing of things after the holidays and get back on track with what I am putting into my body! 

3. Run/Do more Yoga! I love running and yoga and I have found myself getting caught up with school and life and not making time for activities I enjoy. Exercise is such a great stress relief and with everything I have on my plate coming up I know I will need it!  

4. Focus! I am notorious for taking on more than I can handle. All the while going through one task and I am already thinking about what I need to do for something else. This year I will try to aim my attention at one task at a time & live more in the present!

Well those are just a few of my many resolutions! I hope you all made some that you can stick with and change your life for the better.

Happy 2014 friends!

xx- krystena