Tuesday, January 29, 2013

1920's Inspiration


Lately I have found myself drawn to vintage photographs of women in the 1920's. This could be my 20-something life crisis I am going through or my addiction to Boardwalk Empire. Either way, I find the women in the photos so beautiful and classy yet at the same time there is an overwhelming sense of freedom and self-expression seen in the photos that you don't see in any other time period.

My recent obsession is inspiring me to make the some changes in my own life. They are to live more freely, enjoy life as it comes and most importantly, wear more sparkly dresses.

xo - krystena


  1. you should seriously watch "downton abbey." it starts right before the 1920s and progresses into this era elegantly. personally, i have found the series to be an amazing representation of fashion and lifestyle that signified the beauty of the 1920s which you would appreciate.


  2. I will have to check that out! Thanks Love XO
