Monday, September 30, 2013

Suja 3 Day Cleanse

So today I started my 3 day Suja Juice Cleanse. I have been wanting to do a cleanse for awhile now and I found that this one not only looked delicious but was also one of the more affordable cleanses. I also found that it was less expensive to get a kit from Whole Foods, than it was to order it online.  

I am not going to lie, today has been rough! Am I the only one who gets intense cravings for foods once I can't have them? All I could think about today was Chick-Fil-A. Why? I have no idea, I don't even eat it very often. But weird cleanse cravings.. beware they are a struggle to beat!

Overall the juices actually tasted pretty good! Some more than others but I think after the fuel one I was hangry {hungry + angry} so I wasn't really giving them a chance. I did really enjoy GLOW and GREEN SUPREME, they were both very refreshing!

I am so proud that I made it through today without cheating. Seriously around 1pm-3pm I was thinking of giving up, but I drank my juice and stuck with it! I will probably update again tomorrow with my progress.. Wish me luck everyone!

xx- krystena

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Current Obsessions

  1. Cookie Butter 
  2. Black Tie Manicure
  3. Bellami Extensions
  4. Glam Glow Face Mask

So recently  I have been spending a lot of time scouring the internet, I mean taking great notes in class. I have come across some pretty amazing products that I am dying to try! One is Bellami Hair extensions I found through Cara Loren. {PS check her blog out its such an inspiration}.  Her extensions blend so well and from what I've read online everyone is loving the quality. I am in the market for some new hair so I might be ordering myself a pair soon!

Next up on my wishlist is the Glam Glow cleaning treatment mask. Wow, this stuff looks amazing. I have also been stalking beauty bloggers and there has been nothing but great reviews about this! Seems like the miracle clearing treatment. I plan on heading to Sephora this weekend and getting some for myself, I'll follow up with how I like it later on.

Two words. Cookie. Butter. It lives up to all the hype and if you haven't tried it yet you are seriously missing out. I've been eating it with cut up apples for "dessert" lately and I have already finished a jar to myself. So yah, go buy some.

And Finally, How adorable is this manicure?! Little suits I die. I wonder if my nail lady can do this with shellac?

Have a Great Week Everyone!

xx- krystena