Thursday, May 9, 2013

Recipe Review: Banana Bread

When I noticed we had three bananas that were beyond our preference of eating, the first thing I thought of was I needed to make Banana Bread. This is by far the best banana bread I have ever had and I recommend this recipe to everyone! It is not only quick and easy but delicious and moist as well.

Ingredients Needed:

  1.  3 Very Ripe Bananas
  2. 1 Cup of Sugar
  3. 2 Cups of Flour
  4. 1 Stick of Unsalted Butter
  5. 2 Large Eggs
  6. 1 Tbs of Milk
  7. 1 Tsp of Cinnamon
  8. 1 Tsp of Nutmeg
  9. 1 Tsp Baking Soda
  10. 1 Tsp Baking Powder
  11. 1 Tsp Salt

Preheat Over to 325. Butter 9x5x3 Loaf Pan
Mix Butter & Sugar in Large Bowl until fluffy
Add eggs, One at a time until mixed well

In a small bowl mash bananas with fork
Mix in Milk, Cinnamon & Nutmeg

In another bowl mix flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt

Mix in Banana Mixture to Sugar Mixture
Then add dry ingredients a little at a time

Add Mixture to Pan & Bake 1 Hour - 1 Hour 10 Mins
Or until Toothpick comes out clean

All Done!
This is seriously amazing. Go make it now!


Monday, May 6, 2013

Balboa Park Botanical Garden

This weekend I went to the Botanical Gardens in Balboa Park. It is truly such a beautiful place to walk around and take in all the sights. There are so many types of plants from shrubbery, orchids and even carnivorous plants! Although, I wish more of the flowers had indicator signs because I wanted to know what some of them were called. Either way, I could not think of a more relaxing way to spend my Saturday afternoon than wandering through all the bright flowers and taking in the simple beauty of the Botanical Garden.

There were so many flowers in different shades not normally seen, I couldn't help but love the deep burgundy of these orchids. (Orchids are what the gardens are known for, from what I have read.)

I found these signs in the touch & smell garden especially entertaining.

How adorable are these Polka Dot Plants!

These flowers were also interesting, they were as big as my hands!

Overall it is such a beautiful place, I recommend everyone goes and enjoys the simple beauty of the flowers on a warm sunny day!

xx- krystena