Thursday, May 31, 2012

Sweet Summertime..

Found here

For the next two weeks things are getting crazy with all the final projects that are due and boxes that need to be packed.. But all thats on my mind right now is spending time with my best friends and relaxing all day at the beach..

14 more days!

xx- krystena

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Missing Ireland...

Flower Lined Street in Dublin

With summer and graduation coming up, travel has been constantly on my mind. It seems as though all I can think about are intimate European streets lined with fresh flowers, different cultures and a driving sense of adventure. Looking back it's hard to believe that only two short years ago I was just graduating High School and anxiously awaiting my adventures in Ireland with my wonderful mom. Now I am graduating from FIDM and wondering where the time went by.

Ireland was easily the most spectacular place I have ever been, and I encourage everyone to visit at least once. There was something magical in the air, a place rich with history. This summer although I will not be visiting a far off place, I plan on bringing this sense of discovery to my own town and hope I will maybe learn something new about this beautiful place I live in.

P.S - I love you Mom!

XX- Krystena